What we did

Logo Design
Web Design
Print Design


Gemini houses the largest integrated outcomes database in the US with the medical informaticists to analyze data, evaluate total cost of care by intervention or drug therapy and translate those data outputs into actionable insights and a creative team that uses those insights to develop very specific and customized data-informed resources.

The challenge

Named after the twin constellation, Gemini literally has “twin” client types. Born out of the same healthcare market access field, the clients share their DNA. However, both feel that their position in their shared field is more important. This caused a unique challenge of having to speak to both clients, showing them they need each other and cannot fully function without teamwork.

The solution

Through a visual journey into the Gemini constellation, we sampled a bright and colorful palette based on the very thing the agency was named after. This palette, new logo, and data driven branding, boldly shows both client types that each is connected and critical to the larger picture.

We brought in nods to the constellations into their visual system, reinforcing their name and core values in every piece they create. Through the use of minimalist lines, dots, and charts, we also helped separated them from their competition who only used shades of blues and imagery of code.

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