A logo is more than just a graphic symbol or design element.
But what makes a ‘good logo’
Here are some key elements to consider:
It’s recognizable
It’s memorable
If I asked you think of a few logos you’d be able to easily describe, I guarantee you at least 3 of these would come to mind: Nike, Apple, McDonald’s, Addidas, MasterCard, FedEx, Target, Gucci, Audi. If I asked you to draw them, you probably could do it from memory alone.
It’s appropriate for your industry and audience
As an example, you wouldn’t want to use Comic Sans for a serious logo, or have an accidentally ‘dirty’ logo. Sometimes it’s common sense, but other times, you might be surprised at what the market expects.
It’s adaptable and responsive to devices
This means that it should look good on large applications such as billboards, small formats such as business cards, on a website in color, or in black and white prints. It should be able to in size and color without losing its effectiveness or impact.
The examples below showcase logos changing for different use cases. Not every logo needs this, but if you can’t read it and know exactly what it is at a small size, you need secondary or tertiary logo.
Should you hire a professional?
The answer is actually more complicated. If you’re just starting out and don’t really need a logo to get our business up and running, we might suggest getting a placeholder until your making some money. For instance, a tutor or a photographer who gets word of mouth referrals might not need something ‘official’ until later down the road.
With that said, if you’re looking to add it to clothing as a design element (not just on the tag inside), have it on social posts, or your business is generating income, we would recommend at least consulting with a professional. A well designed logo can really help improve sales and revenue, so don’t push it off if you want to grow!
Many successful companies follow the rules above, including each one mentioned in this article. By understanding the impact of a logo on sales, you can give your business a competitive edge.
If you’re interested in working with us to refresh your logo and/or branding, reach out! Let’s take a look at your branding via a free consultation, where there’s no charge to get our opinions.
We’ll make sure your personal opinions are reflected, but we take great pride in driving decisions based on hard data collected from competitive analysis, shareholder objectives, market trends, and key values that come to light during our process.
Want a free consultation?
Call us at 914 980 0657 or email us at [email protected]